Monday, May 18, 2015

bus stop monologue

Standing at a bus stop-
no. Wait,
I've had this thought before.
Was it at this bus stop,
or the bus stop before?
Have i been standing
at this bus stop so long
that it feels as though
I've caught one earlier.
I hate this bus stop,
I crave this bus stop,
I am this bus stop,
Silly me.

Thats a handsome looking tree.
Not as handsome as my favorite tree
but, a dashing tree none the less,
My god I'm hungry.
I wonder if i can eat that tree.

If mind readers were real
I'd know it.
The laughter would be unmistakable.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Approaching Normal

Put your name on my lips.

If I loved this plant would it affect your life?

I only eat violets.
There's just something about the texture.

If only you were different
 you could be like everybody else.

That's quite a Skill you've got there.

Sycamore cradles warmed
by silk, The grass
glittering green with death.
Head stones like faces
 floating open- mouthed in the earth.

Bating your eyelashes at cereal killers.

Your eyes and mouth
 playing good Vigilante, bad Vigilante.

Crushing Lavender

I haven't put my finger
In a light socket
since the first time
 it didn't work.

The way that I sometimes gravitate
to my grandmothers bed.
 Fall arms wide onto her bed-sheets
and prepare to miss her.

I can't be angry
at every lipstick stain
that floats my way.

Return to the earth,
 She always says.

There's a floral  box
under her dresser
Gathering the very best kind
of dust.

Does no  one else
carry confetti in their pockets
for special occasions?

Ridiculous isn't it?
All this waiting.

The night sky has become an arsenal
of glistening daggers.
Waiting to fall
as she rises.

All she ever asked
was that she be buried
in a field of lavender.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Are you suggesting what i think you're suggesting?

"fake it 'till you make it"

Pretend I'm Hillary Clinton.

Thank god it's dark

Sweating like a steam roll

Did they see me trip?

I want to face the wall
Why do i always do this to myself?

Be calm and be batman

Keep Clam and don't blink

You'll be fine, maybe...

Avoid Teressa's eyes

Mel's Diner, those blissful red booths.

Thighs molded
to a bright red booth,
with Georgia on the Mind.
The Queen wailing it's demand
for melancholy beauty.

Awoken by the Fall

It  was the rudest of awakenings. One moment i was abstractly aware of the branch I sat, dozing on. That it was an almost painful point of support only a child wouldn't care to endure.
And then it had vanished.
For all I knew, gone from existence like a fly flown too fast by.The sound of wind in my ears as startling as a mother's kiss, planted too suddenly by your ear.

Eyelash Whisperings

It's quite here
like listening to the sound
of your own blinking.

The colors that brush the wall
like Spackle
taunting you to gaze upon
their searing luminosity.

To loose yourself in a rhythm
that can only be